How to Find Your Requiring File or Directory Quickly
How to Find Your Requiring File or Directory Quickly
Hey there, Today I am going share with you a simple trick to find your requiring file or directory quickly on our window computer. Nowadays we can't think anything without the computer. We everyone is using computer various purpose as we need. I can not go to tell you about uses of the computer. We save our data in computer's hard disk or any secondary memory. But many time when actually we need those data we unable find those data for various regions like the windows explorer is not working or working very slowly. By using this trick we find our requiring file or directory quickly in that critical time. It is one of the great solutions to this problem.
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- At first, you have to to download and install Everything Search Engine using download Everything Search Engine link.
- Enter your require file or directory name in the address bar on the top.
- The address bar is located under the menu bar.
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How to Find Your Requiring File or Directory Quickly
Reviewed by Shraban
10:38 PM